Q: What is Xpress Cargo Service?

A: Xpress Cargo Service is a logistics company that specializes in fast and reliable cargo transportation services.

Q: What services do you offer?

A: We offer a range of services including cargo shipping, freight forwarding, and logistics solutions.

Q: How can I track my shipment?

A: You can track your shipment by using our online tracking tool or by contacting our customer support team.

Q: What are your business hours?

A: Our business hours are 24 hours.

Q: How can I contact Xpress Cargo Service?

A: You can contact us through our website, phone, or email.

Q: What is the estimated delivery time for my shipment?

A: The estimated delivery time varies depending on the destination and shipping method. Please contact us for more information.

Q: Can I schedule a pickup for my shipment?

A: Yes, you can schedule a pickup by contacting our customer support team.

Q: Are my goods insured during transportation?

A: Yes, we offer insurance options to protect your goods during transportation.

Q: Can I track my shipment online?

A: Yes, you can track your shipment online by using our tracking tool